Tips For Dealing With Your Spouse's Decision To Be Cremated

Posted on: 11 December 2017

As you and your spouse age, it's a good idea to begin preplanning your funeral. Even if you hope to live many more years, having some plans put down on paper will make it easier for the surviving spouse in the event of one's passing, as well as your children, as they collectively work to organize your funeral. When it comes to choosing burial or cremation, not all spouses will agree on the preferred method.
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Choosing The Right Funeral Home For Your Loved One

Posted on: 24 November 2017

When planning a funeral for your loved one, you'll want to make sure that you choose a funeral home that can meet your needs. Whether you want to begin planning for your entire family's future needs or you need to arrange a funeral for a loved one who has just passed, use this guide to find the location that works for you. Location It's important to find a funeral home that is conveniently located.
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Tips For Helping A College Student Through The Loss Of A Loved One

Posted on: 2 November 2017

The loss of a loved one is going to be painful and difficult for any human being. For college students, a great loss presents its own set of challenges on top of grief itself. Follow these tips to help a college student through practical matters like attending the funeral and other struggles he or she will inevitably face in the aftermath of a loved one's death: Offer to help with Planning the Funeral
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How Funeral Homes Can Help You Through The Five Stages Of Grief

Posted on: 10 October 2017

We all deal with grief differently, and there is no doubt that the same death can impact two people very differently. No matter how close you are to the person who has passed away, you may experience deep, sudden grief or a more gradual sadness. No matter the case, it is helpful to understand how grief often occurs. It was Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who established the concept of the five stages of grief in a book she wrote in the 1960s.
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